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DFP vs. OpenX

Someone may indicate the advantages and disadvantages between these two systems? Every system has Somme drawbacks and so will dfp have.

Let us check what other people said.

But, definitely far better system than openx I'd say. Let is know your requirements of using ad serving system and well leery you know if dfp fits for you.

The goals that I want to do is basically managing ads of my direct clients . Do not ponder the use adsense, but this may be a possibility. The DFP seems like a good alternative to OpenX, but there will be some risk in putting all the details of my advertisers on google cloud?
DFP does not access you direct advertiser details. It only helps you in managing your inventory plus Ad serving.If you enable AdSense than It can compete based on cpm value, but only for network or price priority campaigns and not direct campaign.
you can choose to completely not use AdSense.
In one word it's safe and nothing to worry.

I'm more convinced to use the DFP.

By the way, in case of sponsored ads (CPD type), the distribution is made equally to all advertisers?

For example: AD 1 and AD 2. I want both of these two or more ads are displayed randomly but with equal distribution (For example, 1000 views / 2 banners = 500 views/each)
a sidenote from someone who's implemented around 100 or more sites in the past 2 years...I've had to move several sites to DFP SB from OpenX...due to malware being passed through the ad tags (not bad creative) such, though I'm hopeful that OpenX makes changes when this happens...I continue to see it in my business.  Security is a dealbreaker in my book.  Having moved several sites because of it, I just cannot recommend OpenX...too important.

it's apparently a very nice little server, but security is vital...once you give your users a virus...they're gone for good.
OpenX is a gaping security hole!  Our websites were infected with a virus through it. Considering the way it works, it was really a matter of time. The virus caused a lot of damage (we were on shared hosting) and the downtime and virus warnings cost us both advertising clients and readers. Avoid avoid avoid! 


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